The First Page Of Many.

Ah, yes… another “new beginning”. It seems to be a common phrase in the world of entrepreneurial endeavors. Building a business or brand always has hurdles and hiccups, and our faaavorite word as of 2020… PIVOTS!

But we can’t escape it, nor should we try. It is what being a business person is all about! Adapting for success - not just for your business and all the people involved, but for yourself. And this is a lesson for the books, my friends. One that has taken me my entire career as an entrepreneur to fully comprehend; you need to do business for yourself, your family, your brand, and those that work with you on it all. You need to have all of these pieces in place to make it work. Look after yourself so you can operate the business, make time for your family while working towards building a future for them, work with those that believe in your endeavors closely, and all of this will help things fall into place for your brand. Though I will admit, it is much easier said than done sometimes.

Now I know we are all sick of hearing how the pandemic affected us, and all the damage it did… blah-blah-blah… But it did, and I for one am a very different person than who I was in 2019, both personally and professionally. My career has taken multiple directions, I have faced more hurdles in business than ever before, I have overworked myself into sickness, and I have wanted to throw in the towel more times than I can count over the last few years. What counts here is that I didn’t, and after losing everything I gained a wealth of experience, perseveriance, hope, new friendships, appreciation, dedication, knowledge and drive. A drive to be an active participant for the betterment of the arts and entertainment industries, and this is what my dreams and goals all lead up to.

I have had people ask me, “How do you know what to do and where to go with business?”, and the honest answer is that some days I feel like I am on top of the world and all is going well, and then there are others where I am feeling like I am stuck on the side of a mountain with no rope, not knowing which way is up or down.

Knowing whether to move forward or move on has been the most difficult lesson to date, and pairing this with not giving up has made for some creative thinking and new ideas. These new ideas are what keep me moving forward while not allowing myself to give up. I keep my goal in mind, and when something doesn’t work, I step back, take a look at everything, and try to create a better solution. I have made mistakes, the right moves and the wrong ones too, but all of them were good decisions because I now know what will work, or not.

There are a few things that I have had on my to-do list for quite some time, and they all include me “putting myself out there”. I have been more of a behind the scenes kind of supporter/promoter in most ways throughout my career with a few peeks into publicity, so this is a vulnerability and position that I am attempting to overcome. One of those to-do’s is to write a blog, one is to get into more radio and video, and the other is to write a book. I never realized how my many pages of notes, experiences, and ramblings could come in handy one day, but now I have quite a bit of the book written, and here we are with a blog. I guess this constitutes that new beginning.

Thank you for coming with me on these many journeys. Let’s see where this will go!

Jessi Toms

A creative force in the entertainment and arts industries, dedicated to empowering artists as well as elevating businesses and economic growth.

Fear Happens!